Precious Moments
What i want to say is about friends. We usually meet our friends either in school, library universities or maybe in the field. But i'm sure each of us must have a bestfreinds.
To me the freindship is like wind.. you can't see it but you can feel it when you have the truly one who can be always with you through thick or thin π
Aku ada besfreinds. Kiteorang kenal lama da.. sangat lama.. Kami always berempat since kiteoang sekolah menengah lagi. okay the first one is Izzani..She also is my cousin. second is farah and the third one is Amaleena.we're always together. But now semua da berpisah.. 2 orang ke politeknik and tinggal aku and farah kat matrik ni. Act kiteoang berempat ni dapat matrik yang sama iaitu matrik melaka but 2 of us want to further in poli. but its okay we still keep in touch .. and tak sah kalau blik cuti tak hang out sesama.
okay ni gmbar kteorang mse skola menengah dulu. k sumpah kelakar..ππ
Great Moment with great peopleπ
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